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Self Improvement Resources

Below are links to all tools, products, and resources mentioned in my videos.

Thoughout my self improvement journey there have been things along the way that have made a huge impact and rapidly accelerated my growth in different areas. 

I did the hard work and testing for you guys.

Everything on the page is something I use myself and thought was worth sharing.

The Ultimate Cheat Code…

You can download a person’s entire life worth of knowledge by reading a book.

The lessons I learned from reading these books honestly CHANGED MY LIFE.

Ive compiled a list of the ones I found most impactful here…

Everything is F*cked

The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the environments we live in…

All of it is designed to keep us weak and unhealthy.

Almost everybody is extremely deficient in the essential vitamins and minerals essential for peak performance and optimal health.

These are the supplements I use to; BOOST my Testosterone and sexual vitality, Enhance my focus, and unlock my FULL POTENTIAL.

Again…Everything is F*cked

GOOD LUCK trying to find tooth paste, deodorant, soap, detergent, and other personal care products that arent FULL of endocrine disrupter, Phalates, BPA’s, and carcinogens.

Most of these products we apply directly to our bodies so its SUPER IMPORTANT to make sure they’re made with only natural and high quality ingredients. 

These are the products I use to stay fresh, clean, and sexy, without lathering myself in toxic waste…

I assume MOST of you wear clothes everyday right?

What if I told you there were harmful ingredients and forever chemicals in your clothes… some of which are linked to…

Cancer, Infertility, Allergies, and the interference of essential organs, systems, and hormone production within your body…

These clothes and accessories are essential for protecting you and your body from harm.

Since the beginning of man kind tools and technology have been responsible for our advancement…

The same can be said for your self-improvement journey.

From the Gym, to Business, To the Bedroom…

Here are my secret weapons for self improvement and success.